Young, Dumb and Broke.

To be young, dumb and broke.                                                                                 
To be a couch potato or to be a video game addict, or let’s call it a video game enthusiast. To sit in front of a T.V or a computer screen to just finish one more episode, call us idiots who waste our time? Nuh we prefer the word “dedicated”.

Keeping a track of every move we make, and everything we do. From the way we follow our morning routine to the way we go to sleep after we finish one more round at the game we were playing or to complete one more page, one more chapter, and maybe one more book, we mess up our routine, or let’s say organize it in our own way, where we do what we like to do and we do it when we feel like doing it.

This is our time, the time that belongs to the young-crazy-idiotic-yet-smart fellows, who follow up every other step to sneak out and get things done in their own “right way”, many refer to it as the “lazy work”, no we are not lazy, we are not disobedient, we are just “US”, trying to live up the fullest to the moment that we have for now and the moment that would be otherwise gone, we don’t need your advice on how to work things out the right way, we have our own wrong way that make things right.
This time it belongs to us, we are the one’s who will fill up this part of the history with the weird-yet-amazingly-awesome tactics, ideas and stuff that won’t make sense to the so called “grown ups” but this means everything to us.

Yes, we love to send out streaks and we get sad when it breaks, Yes, we do connect to strangers on online platform and become best friends with them, we do sing along to the crazy wild songs that will make you want to bang your head on the wall unless we shut it down, we can go a day without water but not without “coffee”, yes that’s our official fuel for the day.

We belong to this time that has been given to us and this time belongs to us, you’ve had your part of time to create memories in your own weird way, let us make our own, let us dive into the craziness and the idiotic world we are in, let us live the way we want to, your objections to our habits won’t have any effect on them cause they belong to us and so does this time and every other “socially-not-acceptable-behavior” as termed by you, we will make the best out of our time, to be remembered as the generation that was known more for their carefree yet amusingly productive routine,                        Wait, we don’t have a routine, we do what we do, cause we like it and we do it at the time we want to.

So don’t try to tame us and take away our part of the history and let us make this generation the one known for late night thoughts with overdose of coffee and the early risers with a mind full of mischievous yet productive agenda.



  1. This is amazing. You just stood up for an entire generation and no could've done this better than you.🙌🏻

  2. Wow💙 Changed my perspective 🤗

  3. The best thing I have read for a while 😍😍

  4. OMG. This theme can't be put in better words❤ Damn i love u girl❤


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