
Showing posts from December, 2017

An Open Letter To the “Warriors”.

Hey, you! The You who is struggling really hard to get through the day without falling apart, the you who had a rough week, or even a rough month. The you who has been holding it all together. The you who is on the verge of falling apart but is holding it all together like a pro. Its all very common to feel this way when life hits you with adversity, when life gives you troubles that you think you cannot get over, but you eventually do, not just this time but always. You have survived  100% of your worst days and you will survive this too. I don’t exactly know what you are going through, i cannot feel exactly the way you feel, or i cannot even pretend that i do. You may have lost a battle you were fighting for so long, or have lost someone who you cared for. You are going through something that no one else can understand beside you, so i won’t even say that there will be someone out there to help you out, its just you who can help you at this very moment. You are all you have rig